October 2018 EOM

JERRIE MUIR He was a Marine and is currently serving in the California Army National Guard and has been recently called up several times to help with the fires up north. It is his second year as an Elk Veterans Committee Chairman. Jerrie organizes visits to Long Beach Veterans Hospital to play Bingo with Veterans. […]

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Dictionaries Are In!

Thank you to all the volunteers that helped stamp 3,000 dictionaries. MV Elks will distribute over 5,000 dictionaries to 3rd Graders in the Saddleback and Capistrano School districts thru year end. Lecturing Knight, Lane Keran, and his wife Kelly are organizing the lodge distribution and assembly schedules at the 31 schools in the districts.

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Community Outreach Partnership

SPECIAL NEEDS OUTREACH COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP The Mission Viejo Saddleback Valley (MVSV) Elks Lodge #2444 proudly presented a donation of $1,500 to the Esperanza Educational Center; a special needs school in the Saddleback Valley Unified School District. The donation will support Esperanza’s scholarship program and the partnership with the Elks ‘Blankets for the Brave’ initiative. The […]

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Gold Star Families Honored

Gold Star Families Honors and Remembered The Mission Viejo Saddleback Valley Elks #2444 honor our fallen heroes with their second Gold Star Families Luncheon and Ceremony. Twelve family members received Elks Grand Lodge Medal of Honor as then were escorted by Veterans of the Elks Lodge. Member Sgt Maj AJ Pompos was the Keynote Speaker […]

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