Dictionary Stamp(ede)!
The final 1,800 dictionaries were stamped last evening by 18 eager Elks. This finishes up our 5,000 dictionary distribution program for 2018-2019 to every third grader in the Capistrano and Saddleback school districts. The Dictionary Program is an Elks National Program for every third grader in the country. Thanks to all the volunteers that made […]
Life Lessons with Fischer Brown
#TrueGritTuesdays are back! In our first video of this year’s Griteo film series, 2018 Hoop Shoot National Finalist Fischer Brown shares how he pushed aside the flu, scored the most free throws and advanced to the next Hoop Shoot contest. He also shares the life lessons he’s learned because of the #HoopShoot.
Red Cross Blood Drive
To make an appointment, contact Debby Lamb at 949-636-8061. Or simply come by the Lodge and check-in for next available Red Cross representative.

Recognition for Effort
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Old Timers Night
Old Timer Night kicked off to a packed lodge room with Exalted Ruler, Mike Klinger, announcing that 188 members will receive Membership Pins this evening. The audience gasped and applauded, but all knew that only a hand-full were present to accept. “We affectionately call this “Old Timers Night”, but I am sure many don’t consider […]