Mar. – Kim Maestri
Americanism Chairman, Jim Humphrey PER, awarded Sharon Campbell and Frank Sortino with Americanism Certificates for flying the American Flag 24 hours a day at their homes. Sharon and Frank are true patriots. Exalted Ruler, Mike Klinger, assisted with the presentations.
Front L to R: Doug Liefke, Peggy Perez, ER Mike Klinger, Carla Oldfather, Sandy Hill Back L to R: John Heindel, Kevin Sayers, Eric Frailey, Randal Houston, Richard Holden, Richard Brakke
Last weekend, Mission Viejo Elks Veterans Committee hosted a lodge fundraiser, packed with veterans, members and friends for BEST, Brain Education Strategies Technology. The mission of BEST is to develop, research, implement and disseminate the best practices for apps and training for the benefit of people with conditions that affect the brain. The Mission Viejo […]
Law Enforcement and Firefighters Honored at Elks By Exalted Ruler Mike Klinger Photos by Su Barker Last weekend, the Mission Viejo Saddleback Valley Elks Exalted Ruler, Mike Klinger, opened the program and welcomed everyone to the 19th Annual Law Enforcement and Firefighter Appreciation Awards Dinner. “Our event tonight is dedicated to the first responders […]
CHEA Major Project Purple Pig Awards were presented at the recent Mission Viejo Elks meeting. Exalted Ruler, Mike Klinger, assisted Purple Pig Chairman, Sven Akesson with the presentations. (left to right) Exalted Ruler Mike Klinger, Dick Holmes (Century Club), Chairman Sven Akesson, Exalted Ruler-Elect Jamie Camunas (Century Club), Lynnette Holmes (Century Club), Gary Beadle (52 […]