Celebrate Flag Day with Us on June 9th
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Mission Viejo, Saddleback Valley Elks Senior Dinner Dance was held on February 9th. Many members and non-members brought their sweethearts all dressed up in pink, red and black and danced to the fantastic tunes of Wayne Pulcini. The special event for seniors is held twice a year and is sponsored by the Elks […]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Mike Long Mission Viejo / Saddleback Valley Elks conducted its 20th annual Appreciation Dinner for the brave Firefighters and Law Enforcement Officers of South County on Saturday with 150 in attendance. Awards were presented to 22 Firefighters and Law Enforcement Officers selected by their departments for their outstanding 2019 achievements. This event was sponsored by […]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] ELKS WESTERN NITE DANCE AND PEDIATRIC CANCER FUNDRAISER BIG SUCCESS By Mike Long Cowboys and cowgirls flocked to the Mission Viejo/Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge Saturday to attend the Western Nite Dance and Fundraiser for Pediatric Cancer. Event chairperson and Lodge Trustee Vicky Long welcomed one hundred and twenty Elks and their friends to […]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Mission Viejo, CA – Mission Viejo / Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge No. 2444 conducted their annual tribute to members for years of service at a recent meeting. This year’s event, which was attended by over 200 Elks members and guests, recognized years of tenure from one (1) to fifty (50). Exalted Ruler (“ER”) Jamie Camunas […]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Seated L to R: Jamie Miranda, Sonya Fisher, Ronald Zimmerman, Kelly VanDyke, Ruth Kurisu, Exalted Ruler Jamie Camunas, Rebecca Braush, Jane Carey, Stephanie Renoyso, Elaine Thomson, and Nicole Sonnenfeld Standing L to R: Greg Butler, Tracee McRane, Jana Merk, Adam Becklin, Oscar Ayon, Stuart Murphy, Kim Kassell, James Sutton, Rob Scotto, James Shultz, Greg Thomas, […]